Faculty of Nursing- Moncton - University of New Brunswick


The Research Team

Dr. Deborah Harrison

Project Leader                                                                            
BA Hons (Queen's University), MA and PhD (York University)

Deborah Harrison is Professor (retired) and Adjunct Professor of Sociology at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, and a former Director of UNB’s Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research.  She is a former member of the Canadian Forces Advisory Council to Veterans Affairs Canada, an External Associate of the Centre for International and Security Studies at York University, and a member of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society.  In 2007, she received UNB’s Faculty of Arts Excellence in Teaching award.  For a partial list of books and other publications, please seehttp://www2.unb.ca/~harrison/

Dr. Patrizia Albanese

B.A. History and Sociology (University of Western Ontario); M.A. Sociology (University of Toronto); Ph.D. - Sociology (University of Toronto)

Patrizia Albanese is Professor of Sociology at Ryerson University, and conducts research on families under stress. She is author of Mothers of the Nation (U of T Press, 2006), Children in Canada Today (Oxford, 2009), and Child Poverty in Canada (Oxford, forthcoming), is co-author of Making Sense 4th ed. (Northey and Tepperman, 2009), and co-editor of Sociology: A Canadian Perspective 2nd ed. (with Tepperman and Curtis, 2008). Beyond this youth project, she does research on child care, and household work and learning (with Eichler, OISE/UT). She has published on nationalism, Canadian families and child care in Canada.

Dr. Rachel C. Berman

B.A. Hons, History (Queens), B.A. Honours magna cum laude, Psychology (York), M.A. (Connecticut), Ph.D. (Guelph)

Rachel Berman is an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Studies at Ryerson
University, and the Co-Director of the Centre for Research on Children, Youth,
and Families. Her research interests include: methods of inquiry, research with children and youth, mothering, and family well-being, with a particular focus on community support for families, including military family support programs. Her articles have appeared in Journal of Adolescent Research, the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Child and Youth Care Forum, Children and Society, Qualitative Inquiry, the International Journal of Qualitative Methods, and Qualitative Health Research. She is the editor of the forthcoming collection Corridor Talk: Feminist Scholars Share their Stories of Research Partnerships (Innana Publications and Education Inc.). Rachel has many family members who have served, or are serving, in the American military.

Angie Deveau

B.A. Hons, Sociology (University of New Brunswick), M.A. Women's Studies (York University)

Angie Deveau (whose father is a retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces) is currently pursuing a Ph.D in Women's Studies at York University.   Her M.A. research was a feminist political economic analysis of Canada's 2010 Federal Budget—specifically focusing on the implications of budget allocations for workers and their families. This past year, Angie worked as a Graduate Assistant for York University's Gender & Work Database and she continues as a Research Assistant for York University's 'Women's Human Rights, Macroeconomics and Policy Choices' project. Angie's other research interests include: institutional ethnography; Canadian health and social policy; women's unpaid labour; and issues related to work and the Canadian welfare state. Her previous work experience includes Case Management Assistant for the Province of Nova Scotia's Department of Community Services (Social Assistance Division), and Community Development Coordinator for the Victorian Order of Nurses/Help the Aged project in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Danielle Kwan-Lafond

B.S.W. (Ryerson, 2005) and M.Ed (Sociology of Education, University of
Toronto, 2009) PhD Candidate (York), Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar

Danielle Lafond is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology at York Univeristy. Danielle is a multiracial Canadian who grew up in a Canadian Armed Forces family, living in CFB Moose Jaw, Borden and Shearwater. Her scholarly research interests include community development, qualitative research methods, anti-racist theory and feminist methodology. Danielle is the founder of two registered Canadian charities, and she works with marginalized and at-risk youth in Toronto where she leads programs forcused on mentorship, role modeling, inter-community partnerships and promoting active and engaged citizenship through the arts. Danielle also holds the 2011 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship.

Lucie Laliberté

LLB Queen's University

Lucie Laliberté is a lawyer with Family and Children's Services in St. Catharines,
Ontario; a former partner in the Ottawa firm, Gahrns Laliberté; co-author (with Deborah
Harrison) of No Life Like It: Military Wives in Canada (James Lorimer, 1994); and first
collaborator of The First Casualty: Violence Against Women in Canadian Military
(Deborah Harrison et al., James Lorimer, 2002).  She is Founder and President
of the Canadian Organization of Spouses of Military Members (OSOMM), and a former member of the Canadian Forces Advisory Council to Veterans Affairs Canada.  She is the mother of
five children, one of whom is a CF member.

Dr Margaret Malone

RN (St Michael's Hospital, Toronto) C-PHN from Ottawa U, BAAN from Ryerson U, BA, MA & Phd from University of Toronto

Margaret M. Malone RN, PhD, is an Associate Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University. A feminist nurse sociologist and health promotion activist, her extensive community health nursing experience informs her research and teaching. Teaching responsibilities include course lead for community nursing, Post Diploma Degree Program, and population health, health promotion, urban health, and diversity issues, community and global perspectives in the MN program. Currently, her program of research addresses marital separation and divorce; theories regarding emotions; and health promotion initiatives related to violence against women and children, locally, nationally, and globally, with special attention directed towards diverse, socially isolated, marginalized, and at risk populations. Margaret co-leads the Nursing Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children, Ryerson University.  She is also a member of a new Canadian Public Health initiative, Prevention of Violence Canada (POVC).

David McTimoney

MEd (2000) and BSc (1994) from University of New Brunswick and BEd
(1995) from St. Thomas University

David McTimoney is the Superintendent of the Anglophone West School District of New Brunswick a sprawling district of 24,000 students and 75 schools, with headquarters located in the city of Fredericton.  Prior to his time as superintendent, he has served as a Learning Specialist in Professional Development and High School Programs and worked at Oromocto High School for 8 years as a teacher, departmental leader, vice-principal and acting-principal. David is in his 18th year in public education and has also taught in the Faculty of Education MEd program at the University of New Brunswick.  David grew up as a civilian in Oromocto and currently resides in Fredericton with his wife and two children.

Mary Mesheau


Mary Mesheau's extensive career has included classroom teacher, vice-principal, principal, curriculum supervisor and director of education. She has focused on building knowledge, both with students and with other teachers. Mesheau works with staff to establish teams who consult and collaborate, and the result of this practice is enhanced student acheivement. Mary is a former school and district administrator in School District 17 Oromocto, New Brunswick and is currently a Teaching Associate in the School of Graduate Studies at UNB and a facilitator, mediator and Lumina Spark practioner in the education and private sectors.

Dr. Christine Newburn-Cook

RN Ph.D. , Associate Dean of Research and Professor, Nursing, University of Alberta

Dr. Newburn-Cook is a clinical epidemiologist in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Alberta. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in perinatal epidemiology at the Perinatal Research Centre at the University of Alberta (1998-2000). From 2000 to 2002, Dr. Newburn-Cook held an AHFMR Post-Doctoral Award and was involved in health services research at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. She is a mentor for the CIHR Strategic Training Program in Maternal-Fetal-Newborn Health Research, and is a member of Information Management and Health Technology Assessment Committees of the Alberta Perinatal Health Program. Dr. Newburn-Cook received the Canada 125 Commemorative Medal as well as the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal. She has been a CF naval reserve officer since 1974.

** We are sad to report that Christine Newburn-Cook died on August 15, 2011.  Chris'
passing is a major loss to her family, friends, colleagues - and our research team.

**Chris' colleagues have established an award in her name that will support international
graduate students.  Cheques may be made payable to the University of Alberta and sent to:
Jessica Twidale, Director, Development & Public Relations, Faculty of Nursing, 2-143 CSB,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G3.

Jennifer Phillips

Project Site Coordinator
BA Hons Art Education, University of Toronto

Jennifer Phillips is an acknowledged business consultant and senior facilitator.  She has over twenty years of widespread organizational development, marketing, training and consulting experience.  She is interested in providing unique approaches to organizations through process-driven, systematic methodologies that produce practical results and self-motivated staff. Jennifer brings her extensive project management skills to the team.

Dr. Karen Robson

Ph.D. (Essex)

Karen Robson is Assistant Professor of Sociology at York University, with interests in longitudinal research, the accumulation of human, social, and cultural capital over the life course, and the correlates of young parenthood.
She is author (with Lawrence Neuman) of The Basics of Social Research (Second
Canadian Edition, Pearson Education, 2011) and the Stata Survival Manual
(McGraw-Hill, 2009).

Chris Sanders

BA Hons, Sociology (University of California at Santa Barbara); MA,
Sociology (York University) , PhD, Sociology (York University)

Chris Sanders is a NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow in Sociology at the Medical College of Wisconsin. His interests are in health & illness and research methodology. He has published
on the use of online health technology and on recent public health
initiatives to integrate HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs in
Canada. His doctoral research concerns the effects that the criminalization
of HIV transmission/exposure has on people living with HIV/AIDS. He is also
co-editor (with K. Robson) of Quantifying Theory: Pierre Bourdieu.
Previously, Chris served a four-year enlisted tour in the US Navy.

Shanyn Small

BA Hons, Psychology (St. Thomas University); M.Ed. and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in School Psychology (University of Massachusetts Boston)

Shanyn Small is a school psychologist in the Anglophone West School District and a member of the Oromocto Education Centre’s Education Support Services Team. After completing her graduate studies and working as a school psychologist in Massachusetts, Shanyn returned home to New Brunswick in 2005.  Since that time, Shanyn has worked in the Oromocto area schools.  Shanyn is a licensed psychologist (College of Psychologists of New Brunswick), as well as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (National Association of School Psychologists).

Riley Veldhuizen

BA, Criminology (St. Thomas University)

Riley Veldhuizen (whose fiancé and brother are both members of the Canadian Armed Forces) graduated from St. Thomas University in 2009 with a B.A. in criminology. It was in New Brunswick, where she began conducting a variety of research on topics; the induction of Bill C-49 (with a link to homicide cases of sex workers in Canada during the 1980's),
the use of instructional technologies while teaching feminism in a Canadian
university classroom, and most recently as the principal interviewer for the Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Study. Riley also sat on the Board of Directors for AIDS New Brunswick and worked within the Needle Exchange Program for three years until moving to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories in early 2011. She now works for the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).

Research Assistants

Over 50 research assistants are involved in the survey and interview tasks of this project.
Their commitment and assistance is invaluable to the project’s success.